Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cheesecake... So NOT to Die for

       The cheesecake looked like a regular slice of pound cake.  It smelled sweet and like cream cheese.  It also smelled like vanilla.  When I took a bite it tasted cold and really sweet.  I could barely taste the dough crust at the bottom.  It was like I was eating the Arctic in my mouth.  I couldn't wait to throw it in the trash.  I would give it 2 stars because it tasted way too sweet.  I don't understand why it has to be so cold.  The cream cheese is really sour.  I don't know if this was a bad batch but I'm not sure I would recommend this.  It came from Juniors and they are supposed to have the best cake.  NOT ANYMORE!!

I Scream You Scream We All Scream For Indian Cuisine!

This is me at the restaurant called Amin.  we tried three types of food.  I would give this restaurant 5 stars because of the service, the food,  use of time, how great the beverages were, and how well the restaurant looked like.  I recommend this place to anyone who will enjoy Indian food.

This is called Tandoori Chicken. It is spicy but it tastes really good. All you need is a cup of water and you are good to go. i would give this dish by itself 4 1/2 stars because it was a little to spicy but at the same time it was really good.

This is called a Samosa. On the front its fried and on the inside their is a mixture of vegetables.  Inside their is potatoes, a few spices, and some peas.  This dish was okay but with the sauces it was even better.  The green sauce was a sweet sauce.  The darker red/brown sauce was a spicy sauce.  I would give this dish by itself 2 1/2 stars because it had a little too much vegetables.  But the fried part and the sauce made it kind of tasty.

This is called Pakora.  On the outside it has been deep fried.  On the inside it has mixed vegetables, a few spices, and it is all stuck together to cornmeal.  It was okay although I thought it was hash browns at first.  What was I thinking.  I would give this dish 1 star because it was not tasty at all.  I felt like their was too much vegetables.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hint raspberry lime is super BLAND!

It first looked like selzer water. It smelled like limes and raspberries.  When I first took a sip it had absoulutely no taste.  It smelled really good but tasted really bad.  It is really healthy and it had no sugar. I would give this drink 1 star.  I would only recommend this dish to people who like healthy drinks.  That company needs to call me when they have sugar involved!

Desert NOT for Kids

Bakalava tastes just like graham crackers. I would rate this a 3 star dessert because the taste could be more thick.  It was way to watery.  But it was okay. I would recommend this dessert to people who would enjoy watery graham cracker dessert.

Pim's is not so good.  I would rate this 2 stars because it is way to healthy.  It starts out with chocolate cream on the top and inside their is a orange peel and then the rest of the cookie.  I would not recommend this to kids but maybe to adults.  It needs to be changed immediately!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Macaroni and Cheese Delight

When I first took a bite of the macaroni and cheese it tasted creamy and delicious.  The next bite tasted really cheesy.  I thought that I wasn't eating macaroni and cheese but just cheese.   When I first smelled it i could smell the cheese.  The color was like a golden orange.  The third bite tasted like a bagel with butter.  I wondered what type of ingredients are in the recipe.  I recommend this meal to others.  I would give this meal 5 stars for its successful taste.  My teacher made it.  IT WAS THE BOMB