Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Desert NOT for Kids

Bakalava tastes just like graham crackers. I would rate this a 3 star dessert because the taste could be more thick.  It was way to watery.  But it was okay. I would recommend this dessert to people who would enjoy watery graham cracker dessert.

Pim's is not so good.  I would rate this 2 stars because it is way to healthy.  It starts out with chocolate cream on the top and inside their is a orange peel and then the rest of the cookie.  I would not recommend this to kids but maybe to adults.  It needs to be changed immediately!

1 comment:

  1. So... I'd like to take you to get some tasy baklava - it used to be a favorite of your grandma and me. If not now... I'm sure you will come to love this delicious dessert.
