Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Macaroni and Cheese Delight

When I first took a bite of the macaroni and cheese it tasted creamy and delicious.  The next bite tasted really cheesy.  I thought that I wasn't eating macaroni and cheese but just cheese.   When I first smelled it i could smell the cheese.  The color was like a golden orange.  The third bite tasted like a bagel with butter.  I wondered what type of ingredients are in the recipe.  I recommend this meal to others.  I would give this meal 5 stars for its successful taste.  My teacher made it.  IT WAS THE BOMB


  1. So where's the detail? Like where did the food come from? Who made it and what was their secret ingredient? Was it crusty on top? I mean you didn't provide enough details to the user to back up your delicious comments...
